Jan 23, 2005 10:42
howdy doody
goodmornin :-D well mich-ls sat here reading my magazine, so i suppose ill update my LJ. wat to say...?
lifes good. really good. im havin lotsa fun with all my friends, actually njoying school and not getting in that much trouble, la-x season started (<3) and we got a tracher sponsor...THANX SENOR DICARLO! hehe. i really really really really love la-x. if you've never played before, you honestly have no idea wat ur missing. its the best sport ever. like, the feeling u get during a game wen sumone throws u the ball, and ur like, omg i cant drop it! and how it feels wen the ball lands in ur stick and u can feel its wieght and u just start running, and no matter if its raining or ur sweating to death u keep playing, then wen coach calls u out ur bummed even tho u were about to die. and the feeling wen ur goin for a ground ball, and u bend down and stick ur ass up in the other girls face and pick up the ball and run off...its great. i have a feeling that 2005's gonna be a great year for me, ive only had one breakdown so far, that happened on friday. i hate to say it, but i just couldnt take it anymore. i kinda just sat in my closet and cried about it, then i got my ass online and talked to vanessa, and i really just realized wat i was doing is so stupid, theres no point, and, i dunno, i guess i told ppl i thought that before, but now i really understand. im sorry for all thos i promised it would stop, but this time i swear, its over. i have never been more completely sure about sumthing in my life. i was so so so stupid. and i was hurting other ppl in the process too... sorry. its over now i swear.