last night kevin took me to a bar in chinatown and then the tonga bar in the fairmont hotel. let me rephrase that: last night kevin pulled back a beige hemp sack and revealed the intoxicating, crooning, simulated thunderstorm making SAN FRANCISCO! i will have to write more later as i'm about to leave for a full day of meetings. but yesterday was filled with all sorts of luck, including finding my ATM card after i ransacked my hotel room. i hope today is just as good.
today, my horoscope that randy forwards is all about my PROFESSIONAL life:
"It's possible you'll be off on a business-related trip, or you'll travel with your mind and begin a fresh course of study. This might result in your coming to a fortunate turning point in your professional life, thanks to tonight's new moon creating an impact at a highly visible point of your chart. It may be that you're ready to let down your guard and be open to working in tandem with a partner, particularly if you're on a project that requires imagination."
Yes, I am off on a business-related trip. Perhaps I will be asked to join someone else's company today or work on a project with Max. I don't need the cosmos to encourage me to do that.
i leave you with this image, which i stole from someone's flick account:
tonga bar