Title: Almost Like Being in Love
Author: Steve Kluger
Genre: Fiction
Approximate length: 350 pages
Rating: 9
Summary: Travis and Craig meet and fall in love at boarding school and have an amazing summer together before separating to attend their respective colleges. Circumstances keep them apart. Twenty years later Travis resolves to find the man he is still in love with and enlists the help of friends to track Craig down, even though it means forsaking his job, making a fool of himself, and entering the great unknown. Told in narrative, letters, checklists and more.
Assessment: This story captured me heart and soul.
Every character is a delight and the way Travis and Craig's story plays out is an absolute joy. I have loved Kluger's writing since his The Last Days of Summer (which I am currently rereading for the 4th time). I really have no skill when it comes to writing recommendations, but really, I can't recommend Almost Like Being in Love highly enough.