Game 11: Round 2

Mar 07, 2008 12:36

Gah! Apologies for crapness. So sick of being sick and baby sick. Thanks to jeffr23 who poked me back to awareness of things forgotten.

Results for Round 2
Correct line
6 - On a stormy night in March, not long ago, a respectable taxi-driver named Ebenezer Jones found himself driving home, very late, through the somewhat wild and sinister district of London known as Rumbury Town.
written by: Joan Aiken
chosen by: dorianegray, a_d_medievalist

The other lines:
1 - Ebenezer Jones peered through the windshield of his taxi, looking for his next passenger, when a motorbike sped past.
written by: pisica
chosen by: pisica, jeffr23

2 - It was a dark and stormy night when Ebenezer Jones found the raven.
written by: dorianegray

3 - Mr Jones did not expect to find a raven lying in the road.
written by: daegaer

4 - It was a foul night, and Ebenezer Jones could barely see the road through the rain that hammered down on the taxi's windscreen.
written by: a_d_medievalist

5 - Ebenezer Jones was late.
written by: nhw
chosen by: majea

7 - Hurtling at nearly 150 kph while sharing a motorbike is hardly the best time for an argument over how to split the loot.
written by: jeffr23

8 - Life before Mortimer was certainly less interesting.
written by: majea
chosen by: daegaer

majea - 3
leedy - 1
nhw - 1
pisica - 2
a_d_medievalist - 1
doriangray - 1
tsukata - 0
jeffr23 - 0

Next book up asap. Start thinking about who will run this next as only 2 more rounds to go.

game 11

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