Admin: the index

Jul 28, 2009 17:11

Hello, as you've no doubt seen we have an index. I will link to it from the profile page in a bit, but please let me know (in this post) if you spot any inconsistent notation, typos etc. Also feel free to use it to advertise the game - I hope that it's the sort of thing that someone might come to to see, EG what fake Wodehouse looks like, and get a liking for the game that way.

Also you'll probably note that I should have done this over six months ago, and as a result, we now have two rounds where someone's used A.S. Byatt's Posession: in Game 7 and again in Game 22. Hopefully we'll be able to keep the duplicates count to 1 with this exciting new technology (to wit: a catalogue).

I've tried to link every book to the post with the lines for that book - this falls down for the first game, as I wasn't smart enough to separate lines from votes from blurb.
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