Game 27, Round 1 Results

Jun 30, 2009 20:29's results time for round one!

The origins of the lines are as follows...

1. India shuddered as she once more read the superscription on the gilt-edged invitation card.
Written by lanyer, guessed by plucky_lass.

2. India was the unwitting battlefield in a strong between two great powers.
Written by jeffr23.

3. "Oh, India! You must buy that bonnet!," cried Letty, as she placed yet another of Madame Sophie's creations atop her pert blonde curls.
Written by a_d_medievalist, guessed by songofnewday and dangerdean.

4. The elder of the two ladies seated by the fireside in the tiny cottage was visibly distressed.
Written by Meg Alexander, guessed by braisedbywolves, badgersandjam and jeffr23.

5. The fire was burning low in the grate and the figures sat hunched around the card table cast ghostly shadows upon the walls.
Written by songofnewday, guessed by lanyer.

6. The rain was making patterns on the windowpanes.
Written by sammywol, guessed by a_d_medievalist.

7. "What on earth," said Mrs Rushford awfully, "possessed you to do that, Letty?"
Written by badgersandjam, guessed by sammywol.

All of which means that the scores after round one are (I hope!) as follows...

a_d_medievalist 2
badgersandjam 2
braisedbywolves 1
jeffr23 1
lanyer 1
sammywol 1
songofnewday 1
dangerdean 0
plucky_lass 0

Round Two will begin shortly.

game 27

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