Never A Bride-Ch. 21 Preview

Mar 01, 2014 16:49

Author: BlueSuede
Title:  Never a Bride
Rating:  NC17
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings/Characters: primarily Chloe/Oliver
Summary:  When a newspaper prints a false engagement announcement for Oliver Queen and Chloe Sullivan, and all their friends are thrilled, Chloe and Oliver decide to stage a fake engagement and breakup to prove to their friends how wrong they are for one another.  Because, they will break up, won't they?
Warnings: completely Alternate Universe; also, sexual content and occasional language

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Hey everyone!  Guess what!  I am FINALLY moved into an apartment of my very own (in Fort Lauderdale-still not sure how I feel about Florida, but oh well).  No more crashpads!!  WOOHOO!  Just because I don't know anyone in town yet, and I need people to party with, I decided (very egotistically) to give you guys something to celebrate, too!  A chapter preview!  YEAH!  (Humor me, okay?)

Read Chapter 1 Here.

Laura Queen smiled to herself early the next morning, when their limousine pulled into the Queen Manor drive around three in the morning, and her son pulled a sleeping Chloe out of the car, scooping her easily into his arms and carrying her inside.

“How come you don’t carry me like that?” she teased her husband in a quiet whisper, watching the couple disappear into the house while Robert yawned tiredly.  He looked at his wife mischievously before sweeping her into his arms.

“Because you never ask,” he informed her, carrying her over the threshold of the house before setting her down again.

He might have good intentions, but he wasn’t quite as spry as his son, who was now halfway up the stairs with Chloe.  His wife didn’t mind, though.  She leaned up and planted a solid kiss on his lips.

“I love you,” she told him as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I know.  I’m glad you’re happy,” he added, glancing at his son and Chloe again.  “I like her, too.”

Laura smiled, leaning into his arms.  So many years together and he still knew right where her thoughts were.  “Weddings really are such happy things, aren’t they?”

He didn’t reply, but kissed the top of her head.

Chloe and Oliver vanished down the hall to their bedroom, and Laura sighed.  “We’d better get some sleep.  The jetlag alone…and a party to finish preparing….”

“It will be wonderful,” he assured.

“Hmm,” she sighed happily.  “Have you thought about the fact that this time next year…we might have a grandchild on the way?”

Robert squeezed his wife tightly.  “Don’t rush them.”

“I’m not rushing anybody, I’m just looking forward to it.

“If you say so.”

The Queen Christmas Eve Party was generally considered the social event of the season.  The entire population of Star City looked forward to it, whether they were attending or not.  Laura Queen insisted on making it a charity event, each year’s proceeds going toward the Angel Tree foundation, making sure that children in need woke up to happier Christmases the next morning.  All around the room, people were posting pictures of the children they had sponsored as their way of accepting their invitation.

Chloe was admiring the wall full of wishes come true when an older gentleman walked up beside her.  She thought she recognized him as one of the members of Oliver’s Board of Directors, but couldn’t remember his name.  “A lovely idea, isn’t it?”

Chloe nodded.  “They’re lovely people, the Queens.”

“The very best.  I’ve known them for quite some time.”  He paused.  “So have you and Oliver talked about how many, yet?”

She gave him a confused look.  “How many…?”

“Children, of course!”

Chloe choked on her saliva.

“Oh, I’m sorry, my dear!” the gentleman, patted her on the back.  “Didn’t mean to be intrusive!”  He looked genuinely concerned, and Chloe shook her head, still sputtering.

“N-no,” she managed.  “You just surprised me.  We’ve…erm…talked about kids, of course,” she vaguely recalled mentioning children somewhere in the midst of several shots of vodka and the two of them agreeing about it, months and months ago, “but I don’t think it would be for sometime.”

“Of course!” the old man seemed apologetic for having embarrassed her.  “You have to forgive an old man, we can’t help ourselves at times!”

“Can’t help yourself what?” a third voice chimed in.

“Hal!” Chloe said delightedly, throwing her arms around the tall brunette’s neck and hugging him tightly.  “When did you get here?”

multichapter, smallville, !fic extras, fic: never a bride, fanfiction, pair: chlollie, !preview

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