Title: An Exceptional Young Woman--Epilogue
Category: Smallville
Rating: Teen/PG13
Genre: Friendship/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Warnings: AU, barely detectable OOC, Smallville Timeline has totally gone out the window
Summary: Chloe gets thrown out of Smallville High, landing her in boarding school, or
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Comments 45
That was amazing. I loved this entire story, but the ending? Absolutely perfect. I felt so bad for Chloe when she thought he was dead and stupid, clueless Clark thinking she'd gotten over Ollie just because she'd tried to move on.
LOVED her figuring out he was GA and marching in to give him a piece of her mind. Ollie just kissing her senseless while she yelled at him was awesome. And the rest...also awesome. Glad they finally got to take that step.
Him saying ILY was great and her smile...aw.
Congratulations of finishing another wonderful story. Your writing is fantastic. :)
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