Title: The First Winter He Loved Her Category: Smallville Rating: K Genre: Romance/Fluff Pairing: Chloe/Oliver, Chlollie Warnings: none Summary: complete AU fluff--written for Chlollie-ween--a winter of Holidays from Oliver's perspective
Awesome. Oliver confused and dumbfounded for the first time! For a guy that prides himself for being so suave, its nice to see him getting star struck with this sidekick. Is there from Chloe's perspective> :)
That was awesome. I love how you went through each holiday and Ollie was falling deeper and deeper. I love that he tried to deny it at first and then he just went for it but tried to do it in a subtle way so he wouldn't get hurt.
Chloe coming to his office was an awesome surprise! Love the image of her kissing him so hard it knocked the wind out of him.
Comments 15
Loved the way you built their relationship up until the very end.
That was awesome. I love how you went through each holiday and Ollie was falling deeper and deeper. I love that he tried to deny it at first and then he just went for it but tried to do it in a subtle way so he wouldn't get hurt.
Chloe coming to his office was an awesome surprise! Love the image of her kissing him so hard it knocked the wind out of him.
Wonderful story. ♥
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