back at school

Jan 16, 2007 22:15

So, everyone else posted about how glad they are to be back at school and stuff, and oddly, i find myself almost agreeing.
I miss Chicago, especially when there are bears games and i have to go find my single other bears fan on the floor. But it's nice to be back, to my second home, despite the fact that i still want to kill my roommate. what's even better is that Lauren, my suitemate who i'm rooming with next year, is now not permenantly attached to her boyfriend who went home last night. like, i really like jason, he's cool, whatever, but as she is one of my only friends here, it's difficult when she's not around. next time he comes dave'll be here though, so that'll be nice.
i knew that over break i'd really probably only miss about two people, Laur and Rusty, and i really did only end up missing them.i missed the freedom though, the not working, the city. it's weird though, i think i want to move back to chicago at some point in my life. i really do like it, as much as i like the east coast (but not new jersey; it's a hellhole). i do miss my bebes at home though, a lot.
as for classes, they're actually all really interesting! well, almost. i have four diplomacy classes, arabic, and world religions. arabic is fucking HARD, as always. we started re-learning plurals today, and my teacher was getting upset at us because none of knew anything. i read "the big (something i still haven't figured out)" as "my father's book." NOT GOOD.
As for my diplo classes- i have two freshman ones and two sophomore ones. the sophomore ones are sooo interesting. hard, but interesting, because they aren't just theory anymore. the freshman ones are emergence of the contemporary world and history of diplomacy, and both are boring as all hell. history of diplomacy is taught by ambassador Azmat Hassan, an ambassador to the UN from Pakistan, so that might get more interesting when we actually start talking about diplomacy instead of the byzantines and greek city-states. but my international conflict& security and my comparative foreign policy classes are going to be so interesting. and i'm actually learning things, which is good, because my international relations class- an introductory course to foreign relations- was not at all a good class.
well, i should probably go type up some notes... have fun darlings, and i'll talk to you all eventually.
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