Tis the season

Feb 20, 2010 00:00

I finally...FINALLY...feel like I'm ready to make a post about the various holidays I brought Mary to/she brought me to:

Thanksgiving was the first time she met my father's side of the family as we both went to the usual gathering held at my Aunt Judy's house. Everyone took an instant liking to Mary and I didn't hear any bad things said. I didn't play to many video games there out of courtesy since she was with me, but I did manage to squeeze in a few songs on Rock Band 2. After my family ate dinner we left to visit a part of her extended family who, oddly enough, live pretty close to my aunt. We stayed a few minutes, I got to meet everyone, and then we went back to my aunt's house so I could get my things.

Christmas Eve I went with her mom and dad to the side of the family I met on Thanksgiving. I thought it was a lot of fun, even if her relative got the wrong game and I spilled some pop on my lasagna, but her dad complained the whole way back. Apparently he doesn't like getting socks as a present.

Christmas Day was spent mainly apart from one another because she had to work, but she finally got over to Andrew and Adam's house to join in for dinner and the yearly embarrassing of ourselves by singing 12 Days of Christmas. Afterward we went back to my house and opened the presents we got for one another.

New Years Eve I decided to forgo the usual small get together with friends, mainly because I wasn't feeling well but also because of low turnout, and spent it with Mary at her house. We watched Dr. Who, snuggled, and kissed after the ball dropped. I didn't really ring in the new year the best of ways though. On Day 1 I got angry at my sister and attacked her, all in front of Mary. I felt terrible, how would you feel if your significant other flew off the chain like I did? I would be terrified. I mostly just cried a lot after, worrying that Mary might leave me right then and there.

This Valentine's Day was the first I've spent with anyone, and I was ecstatic to spend it with her. She made me a meal, we exchanged gifts, and we watched Dr. Horrible and Dr. Who.

With those holidays out of the way I'm looking forward to the next batch. We won't have a problem with Easter since my family likes to celebrate the day before, but I've already started thinking about the next few and even the ones next year again.
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