This is Halloween 2009

Nov 02, 2009 00:31

I spent all of Halloween, and Devil's/Angel's Night with Mary. For Halloween proper we handed out candy at her house, me in costume with her in regular clothes, and eating candy that we didn't hand out. What did I dress as? If you can't figure it out from these, I was Walter Sobchak from the Big Lebowski. Before Halloween we made a day of carving pumpkins. I did this Joker stencil design, while Mary did a something like this design. Unfortunately by Halloween the face was missing (I think squirrels carried it off in the night but who knows). I wanted to do this design too, but after the difficulty with the Joker one I said fuck it and did a standard design. For Devil's/Angel's Night I was invited to a party, thrown by my friend Genny, in New Baltimore. By the time we got there though, everyone but Genny and her boyfriend were gone. Not wanting to leave early we decided to watch The Birds, since Mary hadn't seen it yet, and then we left.

Thanks to a mix up with Gamespot, Steve got a second code for the Left 4 Dead 2 demo, and I'm playing the hell through it. The new infected help change the gameplay; the new weapons are awesome, especially the melee weapons and the new sniper rifle; I love the new survivor characters; and I can't wait for the release of it. I knew it was a day one buy, but almost impossibly they sold it on me even more.

Tomorrow Laura comes home from rehab. All good things must come to an end.
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