Quizzy quiz quiz quiz

Aug 13, 2009 00:01

Time for a quiz, cause why the fuck not. I don't think I've done one in over a year:

On my next birthday I will be: 22

My hair is: short and awesome

I really miss: Having money to pay for things

The last time I rode in a car: it was driving Steve home and I don't remember what we were talking about

When it rains: I like to go outside and feel it

There is never enough:

When I think of my future: I hope I am financially sound and independent

I am wearing: my green lantern shirt with holes in it and my skull pajamas

I wish I was: hanging out with my friends

If I won the lottery: save it and pay for college

I feel very strongly about: equal rights

Last year: sucked ass

My last relationship: haven't had one

When it comes to cats and dogs I am: I've got one of each

I am listening to: Conan talk to Gordon Ramse

I couldn't live without: the basic necessities

My best friend is: three different people

I lost: quite a few of my games

The last time I went to bed: there was sunlight out

Tomorrow I plan to: sleep all day and maybe go to the library

I don't understand: gay bashing and people freaking out over euthanasia

The last book I read: was the Tao of Pooh

The last movie I watched: was Planes, Trains and Automobiles

If I could change my name: I wouldn't. I love my name

If someone was stalking me: I would hit that like the fist of the north star

The last time someone gave me a compliment: I probably blushed a little

Money is: something I need but don't really want

If there was a zombie apocalypse: I would be prepared

If I were trapped on a desert island with my worst enemy: we would fight and then be the best of friends

When someone smiles at me I: Probably blush a little

I am happiest when: with other people/talking with other people

If I died tomorrow: I'd be okay with that

My last missed call: was to Gamestop

The last time I went on vacation: was quite a few years ago

Sometimes I get sad when: everything just seems to fall apart

I should probably: get a job as soon as possible

When I'm around someone I like: I can never think of anything to say

There is only one way: to go down that street. Look at the fucking sign

I am nervous about: paying for things

I am looking forward to: being done with OCC

I wouldn't be caught dead wearing: Ug boots

If I was locked out of my house: call my mom, get flustered, then sit and watch the time go by

Thunderstorms are: freaking awesome

A world without music: would probably suck

I have an irrational fear of: the butterflies at the Detroit Zoo

My eyes are: blue I think

I think the color pink is: not a color I am good with

If I could travel in time: go to the future and see how things have changed

I am currently: waiting to go to my cousin's cabin soon

I absolutely hate to: do dishes actually

I spend too much money on: everything. I never seem to have enough money

I know I can always count on: my friends

I trust: that something bad will probably happen, but I'm prepared for it

The last thing I ate: was some sort of melon that wasn't very good

I don't believe in: nothing

I feel the most lonely: when I'm alone

I feel the most loved: snuggle up with my god Lily
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