Jun 22, 2005 20:20
Some of you may remember him from "the power of myth" video series...he is alive, unlike York, but his recent interview on Comedy Central - Comedy Central! is disturbing and scary. (it also scares me that comedy central is the place that he can get this out, the main networks REFUSED this story). My concern is that this isn't a spoof. Billy Moyers published a book and this is (frighteningly) all verifiable.
There is a Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which Mr. Moyers is a founding member of) that basically controls (and funds) what you see on the tv news. When you turn on the channel 10 news, and to some extent CNN, they have basically approved the content. The federal government helps fund this corporation. There has always been an effort by the government to control what the citizens hears. This isn't a conspiracy theory or anything, but NO ONE would EVER be elected if every truth came out. :p And, some of the things filmed in WW2, Vietnam, Iraq are not ment to be seen by children passing by the 6pm news. Nixon, and Newt Gingrich have both made the effort to curb what reaches the public (by yanking funding ect) so that their.....interests don't look stupid. (like the fact that we're being slaughtered in Iraq by a bunch of dirt farmers with a 1st grade education and guns... *coughs* ) Now, the more conservative end of politics has a president, senate, house of reps. and (almost) a Supreme Court on their side.
Bill Moyers specific complaint, that drove him to write a book, was that some one from the "independent" Corp. for Public Broadcasting hired (for $10,000) someone (from the conservative media) to watch his broadcasts and find "bias." (how can you find a bias when you're biased??? oh wait!...) Now the more conservative members are using this as an excuse to get rid of him, and anyone else that agrees with him.
I have to say, between this and the news I saw this morning (made the mistake of watching CNN for an hour) I've REALLY had it with George Bush, his party, his "conservative followers" and anyone trying to ram their version of life, death and God down my throat. I cannot turn on the news without someone throwing a moral at me. It's not a surprise to me that anyone wants to cut the public's access to credible news - the support for the war in Iraq is at an all time low 39%. It's not just this one thing. The whole Terri Schiavo thing got to me, the Supreme Court's decision on eminent domain is bugging me....just the state of the union in general.
But the part that makes me physically ill is the attack on MY civil rights from a "conservative, right or Christian" group of politicians. It's my RIGHT to have an abortion or a "morning after pill" or birth control (and I can honestly say, had being raped resulted in pregnancy, I would have.) I should be allowed to have my husband to "pull the plug" - I pray that he would have the sense to! I shouldn't need to worry that the guy developing the Wal-Mart in Rio Grande can take my mom's house, cuz a new store is better than us having a place to live. (don't hand me they have to "compensate us" we went down that route when they re-did rt 9. They don't give you what you could sell the house for. The state decides what to pay you.) Several states have recently passed a law saying that I can only divorce if I'm being abused or if he abandons me. !?!?!?!? I don't understand what happened to the separation of church and state. Some where the writers of the Constitution are rolling over in their graves.
I can't seem to feel that I'm a Bad person because I don't subscribe to the president's version of Christianity/values. And yet people have the gall to complain about the medievil Catholic Church ruling by theocracy.