...Of things lately

May 23, 2010 12:26


I'm not dead! I see this as a wonderful continuation from previous moments
of aliveness. ;)


So I have found several new recipes to try and each one has been rained out. Before
baronsamedi gives me any shit, these were grill recipes. Though I did just
put together a wonderful sandwich spread from our normal household bits, which can
only be properly described as "a rich, spicy-sweet sauce that compliments a rare
roast beef better than even the au jus which may have come from it." I may call it
Jus Puissant, which is French for "Mighty Juice," and is no more pretentious in
English than in French so it must be awesome.

Did I mention that I'm actually working on things for a real live cookbook?


I'm not dead! Wait I covered that already. Um, work is mostly fine, I'm just
fighting the losing fight of trying to herd cats...er I mean find students that
will work 3 hours a week at minimum wage during the lunch hour. That and trying
to work on finding a missing deposit from four (4) years ago! Seriously, if this
lady weren't so nice, and the amount so fucking huge, I'd have found a way out of
this. But I'm having to coordinate with our University Warehouse, and the one
person on campus I loathe in any and all situations because I know that at no
point is anything he does good for anyone but himself...and he's slimy.


As per, the world is fine at home. We are broke like normal. Though our tax
return, in conjunction with the Appliance Subsidy thing, magically produced a
new refrigerator in our kitchen. The fact that it smelled of sweaty install man
and burnt wood for several hours after it arrived was a little disconcerting.
Outside of that, we's happy. My wife is terribly wonderful. How she puts up with
me sometimes is phenomenal.


Games are awesome. I've learned that in my old age, I can't keep up with journals
for more than two (2) games at a time. Sadly that means Pepito's Diary has fallen.
It is sad, but I'm still playing him (C'mon, Pepito is fucking awesome). Storm has
his normal updates, whenever I can get them out. And now Doc Thorns has a Log. After
meeting Gwen, another Sin-Eater that lost her memory and finding evidence of, but no
information on, a lost Krewe of Sin-Easters in the area, Doc decided to make sure there
was something to leave behind...whether it was for him or the next Krewe to follow in
their footsteps. And if you don't know, Geist is awesome! If you are interested, you can
check out Doc's Log. I like it alot.

lalala, cooking, life, happiness, stuff, yay, games

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