Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
Music -
baronsamedi is convinced that I hate music but mostly I'm just very VERY picky. Music means many things to me. It's an aural representation of my mood. It can be that which soothes me or helps me unleash the inner thoughts and emotions boiling or freezing underneath. Music helped remind me that other ppl felt the same way I did in high school. It takes me back to memories of the past, fond or poignant. Music is what makes everything else fit in the movies and it can do that through proxy in life as well.
HIPPIE - HIPPIE is the wonderful and hilarious brainchild of
thessalian. As most of you know, I'm not much for Fandoms or fic or you know...fanboy stuff. Well except this! Whether reading it or listening to
the podcast, I have been known to laugh well past the point of hurting, lunging straight into being sick with humor. Sci-fi (not Syfy), comedy, horror, action and even some fantasy play in while each character, voiced by the author, clearly is its own entity. I will own this book when it comes out! But don't just believe me, go listen to it...but don't drink milk at the same time.
Etherite - Ah the Etherite. The "flavor" of mage I played when I first met
thessalian and so many other wonderful folks across the pond. Etherites are the "Mad Scientists" from oWoD Mage. My particular Etherite was an island unto himself, believing that all magic is right, it's just a matter of how to integrate it into something he could use (i.e. taking old scientific theories and combining them with new, or using the same type of symbolism from other Traditions in his own devices through creative means). The Etherite was a great character to play in the online game JusNoctis: London by Night (RIP). It was because of Gabe that I had that wonderful signature line: In real life, I'm like a Technocratic Verbena, which makes me a contradiction in terms.
Twitter - I fully admit that I was not an early adopter, though I was around before Oprah and quite a few other folks. December 22, 2008 was actually when I sent my first Tweet. I never understood why it mattered. I hated (still do) Facebook and MySpace. But I think part of it is like
Thessalian once said. Twitter is like being given access to other ppl's lives vs. the paparazzi style intrusion of TMZ and other things like that. Twitter lets ppl do things no one ever thought possible, from
allowing plants to talk to helping street protesters in Iran organize against a government Hell-bent on keeping them under thumb.
Silliness - OMG where to start. Silliness is what you make of it. In the line of thinking I usually go in given the prompter (Thessalian), silliness is zany fun, meant purely for the enjoyment of all or at least all that are involved. Sometimes it's just sitting around talking shit, like we do before/after games at
baronsamedi's, the random conversations in The Nest from JusNoctis, or playing with my Godson or with
penitent_tom's son.