Due to some editing issues, the Smoldering Journal is a
page shorter now, but that's just the product of an oversight.
I am re-editing the main doc file for the journal so I
don't have 15 million single entry files everywhere. This
will make keeping the master file up-to-date OH SO much
easier. Given that I work on this between 3 machines, that
is a huge help.
But either way, both Pepito and Storm have posts up on
heroes_of_scion. They were done before this
morning, but as I said, editing issues and other time
related things.
In other news, going in to work at 10 because white stuff
fell. I feel like this is a knee jerk considering it's
just snow and no ice. Oh well, less work for me. Did I
mention it's the first day of the Spring Semester today?
EDIT: (13:....1 hour later, 14:48 )
Apparently there's all kinds of editing issues. The appropriate
journal will be up later tonight. Today is not happenin' at work.