Okay so I'm bored at work and trolling different things waiting for a remote access service call. Whilst browsing randomness (and trying to ignore the other service engineer from Wachovia who is IN my office for day 2 of unmuted conference calls to fix an issue they broke), I stumble upon another Heidi Swanson recipe that caught my attention like a pop fly to right. I hate baseball so the Scion game is really the only excuse I have for that coming to mind. Anyway, since keeping to the diet is important and still having something around to tame the savage sweet tooth when it rears its ugly head is equally important (I guess, I don't have one), I thought this would be most spiffy. And I like rich vanilla ice cream type stuff. Plus I figure that if a yuppie Cali freak like Swanson can call it "good fro-yo" it might be worth my time and trouble in the kitchen to make a certain someone happy. So here it is (stolen whole cloth from
Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Recipe
Heidi notes: First off, remember it is important to use good-quality whole-milk yogurt. The version in David's book is Vanilla Frozen Yogurt. This time around I skipped out on the vanilla, opting for straight, bright white yogurt with the sweetness playing off the tang of the yogurt. I also used slightly less sugar than called for here, more like 2/3 cup - but you can go either way depending on what you like.
3 cups (720g) strained yogurt (see below) or Greek-style yogurt
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
Mix together the yogurt, sugar, and vanilla (if using). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Refrigerate 1 hour.
Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
To make 1 cup (240g) of strained yogurt, line a mesh strainer with a few layers of cheese cloth. then scrape 16 ounces or 2 cups (480g) of plain whole-milk yogurt into the cheesecloth. Gather the ends and fold them over the yogurt, then refrigerate for at least 6 hours. So, for the above recipe start with and strain 6 cups of yogurt.
Makes about 1 quart.
Now because we're doing the Weight Watchers thing, I've also worked up what this should be for that as well.
Generic Food Weight Watchers Points tells me that:
Yogurt,plain 1 cup 4
and that
Sugar,any type 1 tbsp. 1
and I know that Vanilla Extract at that amount is pff. So that makes it a total of 33 points for that 1 quart (assuming that strained yogurt has the same points value as unstrained, and doesn't come back as what we use to call Yo-GOO in college). Thusly at 1 Cup per serving, that's a sweet clump of frozenness for 8.25 points.
And because I've listed everything else, plus it's damned useful, I used
this for my cooking measurements as I suck at trying to remember all that.
This post could probably be made by Jacob in the Scion game as easily but it was actually brought to you by The Metrosexual that lives with
PS I don't care who you are or what you're doing, hearing the phrase "Let's take a server dump and then snoop it from both sides" sounds VERY odd at the least. Somebody please get on and talk with me soon so I don't get overwhelmed by Terminal Corporate Banality. /beg