Random stuffs

Nov 02, 2006 13:25


What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The South

That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.
The Midland

The Inland North


The West

The Northeast

North Central


What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Okay so anyway, it's been a good few days. baronsamedi's Exalted game was last night. It was very cool for almost all of us to be back. soulfilter1 still has work unless/until we can move the game back to his free-er day. It was a good little run.

Work is actually keeping me occupied more and more as the semester begins to wind down. There are often days that I'm doing real work until after 1pm as opposed to my days where I'm finished with phase 1 by 9:30am and then start phase 2 around 4:30pm. This is not a bad thing, just a thing.

The urge to write is poking me again. I have several ideas for stories and the Falkenstein game is lagging in my journaling...but my brain hasn't been able to grip the details of the game like it did. I think it's because I have so much more going on while I'm at work. I don't know. It bugs me and I know that it bothers baronsamedi, but it's not that I'm not into the game. Just that I'm not retaining it like I was.

Warcraft goes better now. The ZG runs, barring abject target fixation, are much better and I seem to be getting more out of it. I'm certainly learning alot from being there. The Predator set and Mandokir's Sting taunt me...plus that Bloodstained or Bloodsoaked Hauberk. It's purple and drops of Venoxis. I wants it. I've just pulled myself away from WoW Wikki's Zul'Gurub section. Much happiness in that place. I might try to quest some tonight or possibly hit lower with a catch and grab group if possible.

And now I think I've babbled enough. It's almost 1:30, so definitely time to go. Laters.

lalala, meme, schtuff, distraction, games, wow

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