The wild wolf sings.

Jun 20, 2006 21:13

Brandon had grown more and more comfortable in his skin now that he could breathe easier and his strength had found him again. He had met Cat and Ned's litter, and was trying his best not to feel too much like a foreigner.

Still, it ate at him that the only one who looked as they should was Lyanna. Ned was older than him now, and he had yet to even catch sight of Benjen. What it was that got into the pup to make him go all lone wolf on them anyway?

It mattered little in the end, truly. He would find his brother eventually and give him a stern talking to about...well something. No, the reality of it was that he'd probably give him a firm embrace and ask him why in seven hells he took the black.

Brandon had always enjoyed waterfalls, and he was especially glad to find this one was cool and refreshing. That was when he caught sight of it glinting in the bottom of the water. Brandon's grin fell immediately. He had had far too many intimate relations with the pommel of that sword to not recognize it on sight....especially from this angle.

"Gods be good," he said quietly and quickly began to rush to get out of his boots and boiled leather lest he drown.

There was one problem, that he hadn't quite thought of yet.

Brandon had never learned to swim.

[open to anyone. he's not in the water yet, but about to do something stupid in order to retrieve his 'item']

padme guthrie

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