Apr 24, 2006 11:03
It had taken me nearly two weeks to build the housing for the beehive I'd found in the forest not far off, and another two days to make myself the proper protective equipment needed to handle the hive. Swathed in net and thick fabric, I had smoked the little insects to sleep and brought the bulky papery structure to rest in the housing I'd made. I emerged a few stings the worse for wear, true, but it was only to be expected.
Now, a few weeks later, I was reaping the benefits of my labours. Standing in the kitchen after the morning breakfast crowd had gone, I strained honey through a piece of netting into a bowl, while another comb dripped more of the sweet stuff into a bowl beside me. Once done, I would melt the combs and strain them for wax, with which I planned to make candles.
It never failed to amuse me, that I who was so used to refined things (and missed them quite dearly when I was parted from them, as I was now) could take such easy pleasure in simple, some might say menial, tasks such as this. Perhaps it was the focus it took, for I was certainly no stranger to single-mindedness; perhaps it was the memories of Montreve and the easy life I had led there with Joscelin and my chevaliers. I knew nothing but that standing there with the sun coming in through the window and a wordless tune running through my head, I was content. For now, it was enough.
[open post. tag at will. :)]
jack hodgins,
phedre no delaunay