Catscratch Theme Night- Black & White Ball

Dec 17, 2011 20:56

The changes the usual December change had brought to the island this year were simply amazing. It was fascinating how things that were familiar had changed into something both new and yet still had a sense of their island selves.

The Catscratch Club for example, was still a night club housed in a two story building but the furnishing and decor were purely Victorian, rich and elaborate. But in all of the new decor, there still existed the same sense of the island building. The bars were the same, as were the tables and chairs. The stage though, the stage was in the same place, but was a beautiful version of itself with a deep red curtain.

Also the same was the monthly theme night. Lex felt that Helen had chosen well the theme of Black and White Ball for the annual winter change, especially give how extensive the change was this year. While black was a common color in Victorian fashion, it was interesting to see how people chose to dress it up to suit the theme, especially given the Victorian clothes were also fairly formal to begin with. The level of elegance was certainly different for the Catscratch, that was for certain, with the patrons and performers all dressed in their best.

And it would of course be interesting to see how the performers worked it into their performances. Lex couldn't help but wonder if any of them knew burlesques were usually parodies of popular culture of the time, but either way, it would certainly be an interesting night.

[Here is your Catscratch theme night post for the month. Again. Apologies, apparently I can't read and I hadn't even had alcohol yet. Come one, come all and experience a night in the island's burlesque club which now looks like this . ]

xander harris, helena bertinelli, saffron, lex luthor, prior walter, gathering, priestly, marie desmarais

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