Will found that teaching three classes in the island school was keeping him busy. That wasn't to say he didn't like it, because he definitely did. It was just kind of time-consuming coming up with enough material to keep the classes interesting. After all, people took classes here because they wanted to, not because they had to, and he didn't want
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"We argued, that last time I saw him. I was almost finished at Quantico when he was indicted. I went to see him in prison while he was waiting for his trial and it was like... I didn't need him. I was on my own and we weren't close. But I guess I thought if he went to prison for years that would be it. The little bit of family I had left would be gone and I didn't know if I'd ever get him back. You'd think I wouldn't care, we could hardly stand each other, right? But it was so important, it seemed so important then, that I try to help him even though I knew he was guilty as hell. So I went over his files, and there was this error, this little clerical error right here, just a mistake in filling out a form. I told him maybe I could take that mistake and make it bigger, enough to give him a loophole and maybe his lawyer could get the charges dropped or reduced or something, and he wouldn't have it. He wouldn't even talk about it and I got so mad... stupid, right? He's the criminal and he won't let me break the law for him. Maybe it was the first time he ever really looked out for me."
Would Will have even ended up at the Sanctuary, having made that choice? Helen couldn't say. She didn't want to think about the alternative at much length.
Helen wished for Ashley or James every single day.
Then he hugged her, just because he needed to right then.
He had become so much more than a protege and so much more than a lover. He was her biggest fan and her greatest opponent all at once and Helen knew that those qualities of his had been shaped by how he'd grown up. She'd affected his life profoundly but he, in turn, had affected hers.
"You are both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness, my trial and my joy. Without you, I am but half of me, and I thank God for you every day, Will. I trust we can do anything together. Anything. With you, I can dare to believe in the unbelievable."
"Let's go home," he said after a minute, finally letting go of her. "I don't think I'm getting anything else done for my classes today."
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