Bulletin Board: Island Council Nominees

Nov 09, 2011 16:59

The following islanders have been nominated for a general representative seat in the upcoming Council elections:

James Barnes
James Cook
Shari Cooper
Alcuin no Delaunay
The Doctor
Olivia Dunham
Annie Edison
Hermione Granger
Jack Harkness
Ianto Jones
Carwood Lipton
Lex Luthor
Helen Magnus
Neil McCormick
Steve McGarrett
Kate McNab
Hank Moody
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers

George Sands
Anne Shirley
Tony Stark
River Tam
Nikola Tesla
Kara Thrace
Rory Williams
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jeff Winger
Charles Xavier

To be included on the final ballot, candidates must present a list of 10 signatures supporting their nomination to the Council on or before November 16. Candidates must also give a speech at a town hall meeting at the stage on November 19.

To formally decline a nomination, please visit the Council offices.

council, bulletin board

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