Edward knew horses. At least she knew them from the books she'd read. Horses were for riding far and far away and right now that's what Edward wanted to do. Ride far. Go exploring. Stop being stuck at Faye-Faye's or the Compound where there were people that keep looking after her and worrying about her breaking her other arm. And she wanted to GO.
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"These bovines have more important of a job to perform than to entertain any of us," she went on.
Shrieking, Ed's arms pinwheeled a little as she tried to keep balance as Faye hauled her backwards. She managed it, finally digging in her heels after she'd been pulled a fair distance back. It wasn't fair, Ed had been sure she was close to making a breakthrough, Faye-Faye was ruining all her fun.
"But Edward wants to goooooooo. And she needs a cow-ride."
Huffing a deep exhale once they were out of the bull's immediate vicinity, Faye shook her head. "Besides which, that's not a cow, Edward. That's the island's bull. A lot less sensible than its female counterparts, and twice as easy to anger."
The rest required more thought because lots of people did things like the roller-shoes. People climbed in the trees and rode boards on the water, was that so different? Adult rules were strange, Ed always preferred her own.
"What can Ed do, then?"
Huffing, Faye searched her mind for anything else, fighting off the temptation to send Edward directly back to her room (what would that accomplish?).
"I don't know," she said at last, giving up. "What do you want to do?"
Really, Faye was usually smarter than that. Just because she said Ed couldn't ride the cow, it didn't change the fact that it was what she wanted. She wanted to go to the other side of the island and she had wanted the cow to take her.
Time that Faye was still, on the whole, unaccustomed to giving people.
"The cow can't be the only thing that's on your mind right now. Wouldn't you be just as happy... I don't know, finding a horse? Or finding an actual cow, and not the bull?" Faye asked, tone slightly impatient.
Obviously, Faye knew that. She lived with Edward... most of the time. when Edward wasn't sleeping in a tree. She was beginning to wonder if this was another one of those adult things, one of those things that Edward felt like she was supposed to understand, but never did.
Trying to call forth all memories of what she herself did at such a young age, Faye only shook her head again, marveling at how many opportunities she'd truly had throughout the years.
"Can Faye-Faye take Edward to see the dinosaurs?" Maybe there was a small one there she could ride.
One person in particular.
"How about this. You go ask Dean if I'm allowed over there, then we'll talk," she huffed, mostly in jest, though it was true enough that Faye didn't want to be the one to break that particular news. If Rapture had scared him, well. Thoughts of dinosaur territory would earn her the most of his rage, she was sure.
"Where is he?" Ed was already heading towards the fence so she could climb back over it. She had to know, she needed to meet him.
"What does Faye-Faye want to do?" Sometimes that was just easier. Do what Faye-Faye wanted.
"Let's go find a horse. That's almost as good as a cow, and I'm willing to bet that someone's found a temporary substitute for a saddle, anyway," she decided with a firm nod.
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