Trip was getting real tired of all this. They’d found the Xindi weapon and stopped the Spherebuilders from destroying Earth. He’d lost his sister and his best friend. Now, not only were they stuck in an alternate past, but he was trapped in a compound of time traveling alien Nazis thanks to the shapeshifter Silik tying him up in a closet to use
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Now, being from Florida, a girl laying out in the sun in a tiny bikini was definitely a common enough sight to Trip and in fact, calmed his nerves a tiny bit. It wasn't home but it sure had the trappings.
"It ain't." He assured her despite himself as he took a few steps closer to her, gun held loosely in his hand since he had no intention of using it. "But it definitely ain't comfortin' right now either. I was kinda in the middle of somethin'." Or more like a long chain of somethings but it was close enough. "Where am I? And who are you?"
If she was a time agent, why couldn't they have had her from the beginning instead of Daniels? He was stressed, not blind.
Tugging her shades off and eying him more carefully, Faye brushed some hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind an ear.
"You're on an island called Tabula Rasa which, not sure if you know your Latin, means 'blank slate.' Because everyone who comes here gets a second chance, for better or worse. Yours truly was a bounty hunter back on Mars." With a soft sigh, she lays back down on the beach. "Here, just enough nameless face on the beach. Call me Faye."
Good god, he was starting to sound like T'Pol.
"Second chance huh? So this is some kinda purgatory?" What did he need a second chance for? Despite not getting home, and doing quite a few things he regretted, Enterprise had accomplished their mission and destroyed the Xindi weapon. If anyone needed a second was Lizzie.
"Well, guess it could be worse. Kinda reminds me of home." Trip looked around at the beach again, which did a lot for his nerves. It was almost like being back home in Florida. Almost. "Name's Trip. Nice ta meet ya, Faye. Though I didn't realize the Mars colonies needed bounty hunters. I though they were just mines."
"Should have been clearer- no way to leave by choice. People still disappear, but it's always unexpected and unplanned. Personally, I don't believe in purgatory, but feel free to think what you want," she added, ticking the points off her fingers. "And both Mars and Venus have had plenty of cities built on them, ever since the asteroids started raining down on Earth. You build cities, you have people. You have people, you have crime, but people over that much land? Police aren't going to be the best at catching them, so they need the occasional extra hand."
She grinned. "And it's nice to meet you, too."
"So, we're stuck here until the universe decides it's time to shove us back into the fray." Trip half shrugged to himself. In all honesty, despite not having the Enterprise and it's crew here, that didn't sound half bad. Selfish perhaps, but not bad. Still...he'd have preferred to get home first. "I think I can deal with that."
With that out of the way with a good enough explanation for him for the moment, Trip tried to digest what she was saying about Mars and Venus. "Ya must be from an alternate timeline or the future then 'cause I don't know anythin' about asteroids or cities on Mars 'n Venus. Neither is that habitable to being with though I heard there were plans to try terraformin' if we could weasel the technology from the Vulcans." It really was sad he could say things like alternate time lines with a straight face now. It wasn't something he ever thought would happen when he accepted his Starfleet commission.
"As for Mars and Venus, well of course, originally the atmosphere wasn't viable on either planet. That's when you get hundreds upon thousands of engineers to try and crunch a new technology that was capable of being shipped to Mars in short order. A few months and without any missteps, Venus only seemed to be the next logical step."
"Ya got a point there. I guess I concentrated so much on getting out of our solar system that I didn't pay much attention to what was goin' on with the planets in it." It was the truth. Once Trip had attached himself to the Warp 5 project, alls he could think about was getting out there among the other stars.
But that was neither here nor there if he was truly stuck here. "So, while I never met a beach I didn't like, what else do people do around here for fun?"
It was something that she might have commended, if it didn't also trigger her doubts. (Namely, about whether or not this young man was quite right in the head.)
"What does one usually do on a tropical island for fun?" she asked, shrugging lightly. "Sunbathe. Swim. Jump off the cliffs, the waterfalls, bury oneself in sand, roast pigs in stone pits. We've got a nice supply of books and reels to watch, if you're not into the recreational, but as far as tech goes, we're a little short."
"Sounds almost like paradise, minus the tech bit." This of course made him frown. He'd lived for three years on a star ship, the lack of tech was going to be disconcerting. But he could live with it.
Finally relaxing more, Tip checked the safety and stowed the gun in his belt. "Any local government I gotta see or do I set up shop wherever I find a spare bit of beach?" Thankfully, he hadn't screwed up to many first contacts to get the gist of how things worked.
"Anyway, follow me," Faye instructed with a small, faint smile, tilting her head in the direction of the Compound. "I've got just the building that probably has most of what you're be interested in. Food, clothes, clinic, shared dormitories if you'd like them. But most importantly, perhaps, the Council. The rule-setters."
Rule-setters. That was comforting to hear. While Trip wasn't quite the stickler for rules that Malcolm was, he'd become used to structure thanks to Starfleet. "I appreciate this. And I'm sorry for interrupting your beach time. If I knew how to make it up to you, I would." And perhaps once he figured out what was what around this island, he could.
But what was the point? It didn't hold any less true. And somehow, Faye had the feeling that if she tried to take it back now, the weakness, falling short on her own, would only be made twice as clear.
"Seriously though," she added. "If you find a way to actually give people a choice of whether or not to leave, that... well, it'd be doing a whole lot more people favors than just me."
“I’ll keep that in mind. I helped get the Warp 5 engine off the ground, maybe I can do somethin’ about this here problem.” Trip didn’t have high expectations to his success but a little posturing never hurt anyone, especially when he wasn’t being serious.
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