(no subject)

Sep 21, 2011 20:01

The classroom was strewn in disarray of copies of Lord of the Flies, newspapers (Castle felt a pang of guilt at destroying as much literature as they had for the project, but he calmed himself with the reminder that the bookshelf refilled often and handily), and the sticky substance best used to create paper-mache. It was, as far as he was concerned, a good first week.

"Remember," he says as he paces the room to check on the projects. "You should have good reason and proof as to why your chosen character is the weakest. I want to see some surprising arguments! Also, extra points for use of creative artistic skill," he insists. "If now is the time you want to start preparing for the fake blood assignment coming up later in the year, I won't stop you!" he said, wandering the room.

The quiz was still in first draft, but Castle thought that he could attune it to the students in the class as they went. There was no reason to make it so difficult that everyone failed before they even succeeded. Castle, after all, enjoyed grading on a curve. It was part of how he'd succeeded so much in life.

"Any questions?" Castle called out, as the clock started to wind down towards the end. "I'm here for thirty minutes after class for homework help, discussion, or any other questions. As for your heads-on-pikes," he said with a devilish smirk. "When we're all finished, you're going to be displaying them, along with a cue-card exhibiting the traits of weakness -- outside of the school. Think of it as a garden which has come to a lovely head," he finished with a smug smile of delight.

[Gathering! Feel free to tag during the making of heads or after]

richard castle, alistair, alexis castle, dean winchester, gathering, billy kaplan, sonya blade-hasashi, perseus jackson, kate beckett

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