(no subject)

Sep 21, 2011 12:42

It's filling the days that presents the biggest challenge. Yes, there are the occasional outbreaks of mass hysteria, monster attacks, and general mayhem, but the average day feels endless when there's no work to be done. Where it had been relaxing at first, like a long overdue holiday, now it's begun to wear on her. Her mind feels idle. She feels idle. And that is not anything Juliet can ever remember feeling before. She's taken to spending long afternoons reading on the porch, which is all well and good even if the bookshelf isn't providing her with quite the genre of literature she'd prefer. Evenings are spent at the Compound, late supper followed by early to bed. But mornings, those are for exercise. If she can't quite manage to keep her mind active, she can at least try to keep her body that way. And she's always been a great fan of swimming. It's one of the things she will actually admit she enjoys about the Island. The warm weather and the easy access to such magnificent spots for a dip.

Though she and the bookshelf are at a serious impasse, the clothing box has been down-right hospitable. And considering the problems she's seen others have with the thing, she's counting her blessings. It had coughed up a perfectly serviceable swimsuit on practically her first try and nearly every item she's gotten from it has been mostly to her taste. Thank heavens. So on this lovely morning she's donned the swimsuit in question and headed to the pool beneath the large waterfall. Though she does enjoy the added challenge the currents of the ocean provide, this is truly her favorite spot. The roar of the falls and the coolness of the water. It's as close to a picture of paradise she can imagine.

[OOC: Please do drop by and say hello. She'd love to meet new people.]

felix unger, martha costello, dr. leonard mccoy, juliet shaw

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