Has it really been a year? I wasn’t expecting it to pass by so quickly, not when every day was a battle. But it has to be true, because I counted the days, not knowing why. Something to keep me busy, I guess. Keeping the madness away used to be a priority for me at one point
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"Hey," she said, quiet, light, not wanting to startle, though she suspected she would have been noticed already. "What are you making?"
Every time I feel the panic rise, I try to count off all of the memories. All of the kindnesses I've seen so far. It helps keep me sane. So when Lucy sits, I don't flinch. For once.
"A book."
I decide to keep things purposefully vague. "A book of things I don't want to forget."
"That's a nice idea," she said, mouth set in a crooked line, not quite a smile. There were times she worried she was starting to forget, and things she remembered that she wished she didn't. It could be a cruel thing, memory. "To remember."
The ring on her finger means the same thing in District 12 that it means here, apparently. "Congratulations," I say, nodding towards it. She doesn't look all that much older than me, but people got married early in the Seam. Just because I'll never be married doesn't mean anything at all.
The last wedding I went to was proof of that. Annie and Finnick's, and he'd died just weeks afterwards. But maybe the memories of being happy for those few weeks would be enough to help Annie survive. Maybe.
"...When is it?"
Still, it wasn't a bad thing. It couldn't be, even if she woke up tomorrow morning and Pete was gone. "I'll let you know when we do, though. You'll come?"
A year later, there are still times when I'm not all here.
Finally, I nod. Just once. "If you want me to."
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