(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 01:51


Hank stuck the sign on the edge of the table so that it hung down visible for all to see who ventured through the rec room.

Right beside it hung another.


“Roll up, roll up! Never has there been a better time to be a member of the fairer sex.” Hank knew, of course, that women were far too complex to fit so easily into such either/or categories. But since he was shopping for two entirely different men, he needed to make sure the ladies knew which type they were signing up for. Being sold a date with the good doctor and having a scruffy manboy turn up would definitely warrant a refund. Equally so if a lucky woman expected rampant sex and got wide-eyed boob grabbing instead. And not the dirty kind.

Hank really needed better friends.

Every woman that passed had a question shot at them.

“Are you fed up of having to do it like a dude because your man can’t? Does he have problem balls? Do you fancy knocking knees with a fuckstar instead?” He wasn’t basing the last assessment on first-hand knowledge, but he’d let Lew have that compliment given it had been his birthday and all. “Then sign up, ladies, and I will send my rentboy ‘round special delivery.”

Stepping aside, he presented the sheets with an enticing flourish.

“Potential wives needed too. Tall, dark and handsome if you ignore the nose doctor seeks beautiful woman to bake cookies at the weekends and bump uglies in private. Wanton wifies need not apply, but please do approach the host,” he pointed fingers at himself, “as he has a deep appreciation for all types of V.” Those fingers split like peace signs and he followed a couple of woman with them to press the point.

“But for now, wax your groins and gird your loins because Dr Cooper and Lew fucking Ashby are in da house.”

[ooc: Hank loud and proud in the rec room; find him anytime during Saturday. He's not affected by the truth plot. Men and women welcome :D ST/LT a-okay]

lew ashby, dr. fitch cooper, hank moody, sarah connor, plot: truth plot

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