Gwen’s not having a good day. In fact, as far as days have gone, this is probably the worst she’s had in a long while. She’s in the middle of a three day row with her husband over babies (What, exactly is she supposed to do? Drop them off at the nursery with the least sign of trouble Torchwood-way? Hardly.) and she’s in the middle of a bigger
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"Tabula Rasa, it's a tropical island on Earth. No, it's not Cardiff. There's not enough room for the Millenium centre, too many trees. Three years and I was walking home from school in Wales and I ended up here." Coraline said in one long breath. "You ask an awful lot of questions. Is it my turn? Are you from Wales? Are you from home? Why have you got a gun? What year was it where you were?"
"Yes, I'm from Cardiff," Gwen says quickly, imagining that's the best place to start. "It's 2008, last I checked. What year is it here?"
"Is your Mum here, then? Can I speak to her?"
"No, she's not. She's- she didn't come here. Just me," Coraline said simply. "Why would you want to speak to her anyway? She wouldn't know anything, she didn't even know when she'd been kidnapped. She doesn't pay attention to anything."
Coraline thought about the question and made a face as she tried to explain the island the best she can. "This place is fun and exciting and scary and dangerous and normal and not normal all at the same time. Strange things happen here sometimes, strange bad things. And sometimes strange good things. There's every day stuff though like a school and a council and a clinic and bars. I work at the vet office and at the Winchester that's sort of a pub."
"I think you'll have to slow down a bit. Who's in charge here?"
Coraline grabbed her bag off the table and routed through it for her notebook. "Okay, there's Lucy Carrigan, Shari Cooper, Jack Harkness well Captain Jack Harkness, Peter Parker, Sookie Stackhouse, Keith Mars, William Bush, Jean Grey, Ianto Jones, Neil McCormick and Edmund. Pevensie. He's one of my best friends."
"I would love a cup of tea," Gwen agrees. "How long have Jack and Ianto been on this council?"
Coraline smiled before she turned and ran to get the woman a cup of tea.
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