Rogue had taken a lot of care in prepping for the day’s excursion. She’d had to find a
new bathing suit, for starters, since her last good one had been stolen by a literal wave of bad luck. She’d packed a bag with water and sangria she’d left soaking for a whole day, two towels and a chewed up paperback edition of The Firm. Sarong firmly in place
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"Sorry, ladies," I say, lowering myself down onto the edge of Sookie's towel, uninvited but most likely welcome.
[[Meant for Sookie, but any of them are welcome to react to being climbed all over. XD]]
Faye was going to be pissed.
"Sure thing, don' mention it," she mumbled, half amused.
"I have ruffles," Flo says proudly, rubbing a hand over her tummy, preening in her newly found bathing suit. Mack squirms away so that she can dig around in her bucket of sea shells, looking for the prettiest one to give to Sookie. She's never been as interested in clothes as her sister.
"Usually they're good about it," I say, "Guess they were just a little too excited to see you."
"Worse things t'have in spades than enthusiasm."
"I'm pretty sure that there are a number of ways to tie a harness that even a grown man can't slip out of," I offer back with a wider smile as I pat my shades right back down and lay out again, hoping that the girls won't suddenly decide to turn around and build a castle over me. For now, they seem largely interested in Sookie, anyway. "But I guess better to be bouncy than bratty."
"Yeah?" Flo says, preening just a little bit more, "I'll bet... I'll bet there are real mermaids, out there," she points to the ocean, her eyes wide just thinking about the possibility. At the same time, Mack nods, showing Sookie the tiny hole at the top of the little pink seashell. "You can make a necklace," she says, their conversations running independently and simultaneous. That's how it is with the two of them, most of the time.
Pushing a hand through my hair and breathing out a tired sigh, I glance at the other two women and say, "I'm Neil, by the way."
"Pleasure," I tack on after Rogue, a bit too lazy to pull myself up for a handshake of my own; I shoot him a relatively apologetic look, and hopefully he understands. "Faye."
"Sookie, you keep puffin' 'em up like that, their heads are gonna explode," I say, watching with a smirk as Flo seems unsure about bothering the other women, and Mack is too preoccupied with the prospect of jewelry making, even though she'd probably lose interest halfway through, and lose whatever she made the first time she wore it.
"Sorry if we're interruptin'," I say, mostly to the other two, even though I'm more amused than sorry, "We'll be on the move, soon. They got kinda short attention spans."
"Even if it's only comprised of tannin' real studiously."
Note to self: If I ever need to drive Spike nuts, obtain children. Possibly in multiples.
"They're kids," I say with a shrug. Sure, I'm not really that annoyed by them being there, sand aside. But it's not like I'm going to encourage them to stay the rest of the afternoon, either. "Isn't that the very definition?"
"If they're botherin' either of you," I say to Rogue and Faye, offering a very slightly apologetic smile. "I can always haul these two off to the trampoline for a bit." My voice lowers to a feigned hush as I lean in, not really trying to hide my words from the girls.
"The goal's to get them tired enough so that they'll take a nap."
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