He's been staring out at the horizon, but that hadn't prevented him from noticing Zell's approach, and he turns his head to look at him before Zell speaks. "Hey, Zell," he says, and he knows Zell is...maybe not friends with Seifer, exactly, but it's enough that Zuko isn't sure whose side Zell will be on in this. He's not even sure he wants there to be sides.
"Yeah," Zuko replies with a short nod. "Just some stitches, I'll be fine." Physically, he'd be fine. He wasn't sure how long it would take for the anger to go away.
Zuko lets out a humorless laugh that amounts to little more than a huff of breath. "I guess this Squall guy was a little more receptive to Seifer's idea of...bonding than I am," he says flatly, crossing his arms over his chest and then immediately uncrossing them at the discomfort it causes.
Zuko scowls at that, ducking his head slightly on a nearly inaudible growl before looking back up at Zell. "If he thinks we're still friends, he's delusional," he practically spits out.
"Seems that way," Zuko agrees, and he doesn't exactly acknowledge the hand on his shoulder, but he doesn't pull away, either. He appreciates that Zell's making it known he's supporting Zuko. With the amount of true support Zuko's had in his life, he'll take it wherever he can get it. "I just hope he doesn't end up causing someone serious harm."
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