There had always been many things of note about Pepper Potts. She could, for instance, sing surprisingly well. She could make a flawless cup of coffee. She could run a Fortune 500 company while balancing perfectly in 4 inch heels. Within island context, for quite some time she'd had an enviable mastery of the clothes box, which would provide her with gorgeous designer dresses, expensive stiletto heels and mens' suits as needed. This history made her present situation all the more frustrating.
Knelt carefully beside the box, she was frowning down into a virtual sea of satin and lace. "I am not a stripper," she hissed at it under her breath as she lifted up a lace front
camisole trimmed in bright pink feathers. Scowling at the hideous garment, she hesitated a moment, considering whether to save it for Rachel, then gave up the idea as an encouragement of bad habits and tossed it back into the ocean of frothy, shiny fabric. The
next selection she pulled free was possibly even worse, having completely forgone a bust.
"Oh, for God's sake," she said with a disgruntled huff. "I don't even have the breasts big enough for that, you asinine thing." Eyes rounding in incredulous disbelief, she gaped past the item in her hands to the top of the box. "Are those…pasties? I AM NOT A STRIPPER!!"
[OOC: A little embarrassment is good for the soul. Open to new threads through Friday, let's say.]