Fred Burkle is aware of the date.
Of course she knows it's not the real date; that with so many people on the island from so many different dimensions and with completely different calendars and units of measurement, the date on the island can only be arbitrarily chosen in order to simplify things. Though, she's not sure why whoever picked the
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By chance, she finds Fred in the kitchen, but it takes less than a second for her to all but chicken out. She isn't sure she has it in her to break this news to Fred, not if it's also her birthday. She forces a smile, waves. "There's an earworm if I've ever hear done. Someone you know or...?"
"But the date's right, anyway."
She puts the finishing touches on her sandwich, adding the second slice of bread, and that's when she notices that Buffy's 'happy birthday' isn't really all that happy at all. "Are you okay? I really don't mind, you know, the sandwiches here are delicious."
"Angel's gone." It takes her longer than it should to realize it's her own voice saying it, her own lips moving, and when she does, Buffy slaps a hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry."
She decides that it's probably better if she doesn't say that it was because Buffy died. Fred hasn't met too many people who have died before and come back-- except vampires, but they don't really count-- but she figures it's probably not a good idea to bring that kind of thing up. Especially not over sandwiches.
The least she can do is meet Fred at eye level, and that's exactly what Buffy forces herself to do. "This isn't like that, this is...
His clothes are gone. I, I was checking his hut and everything he brought with him from LA, it's all gone. And I think he left with it, or - or it left with him, but when that happens - I'm really sorry."
She grabs a knife and starts to cut her sandwich into halves, then into fourths.
"So, you're sure?" she asks, voice quiet.
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