All around O-Ren, there is the quiet drumming of the rain against the roof tiles.
She's sitting in the temple, finished not too long ago, waiting for water to boil so that she can make tea. The small house that her previous incarnation had once inhabited has been rebuilt, inside and out, through long hours with Dean and anyone else she could get to work on it. The house has become a small Shinto shrine, with red torii in front of it.
O-Ren sits on the clean tatami woven out of tall sea grasses, her geta neatly resting outside just clear of the rain. There's a bento box beside her, hand carved, with rice cakes inside. Her friends and her family are circulating around the island, pulsing through like a steady heartbeat.
For the first time in a very long time, O-Ren is completely serene. She is happy.
The door slides open, indicating a visitor, and she looks up, smiling brilliantly. "It's an honor to receive you," she says, and touches her forehead to the mat.
[For an idea of what you might be looking at, look
here. If your pup knows O-Ren at all, she's probably dragged them here. Otherwise, feel free to use it as shelter from the rain! Late tags and ST okay!]