(no subject)

Jul 07, 2010 05:22

While Dale couldn't say he'd never experienced worse weather, because he'd certainly lived through his fair share of storms, blizzards and hurricanes, he couldn't remember being in quite such miserable weather before. Whether it was from his home on the mountain or from Joe's, his daily trek to the compound had become something of an ordeal over the past couple days.

Well, perhaps ordeal was putting it too strongly. But misery would certainly be apt.

Dale generally held an uneasy truce with the clothing box, but he'd never been so grateful for it as he was this week as he continually arrived at the compound drenched and in need of a change of clothes, following the damp trail right from the front door down to the basement from the many others who'd come before him. Today it gave him a pair of velour running shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt with Olivia Newton-John's face on it, but they were warm and dry and after all this time he just wasn't that picky anymore.

In deference to the weather conditions, Dale not only had his customary (and, frankly, necessary) pot of coffee at the ready in the Council office, but also a pot of tea and some warm baking from the kitchen. Or at least, it had been warm when he purloined it, but as these things do it did tend to cool over the course of the day. Still, it was no less delicious, and after braving the weather, a little something to fill the belly was rarely a bad thing.

It was safe to say that nobody would be holding outdoor office hours today, and probably not any time soon.

[ ooc: ST/LT welcome, council business or just a social call ]

kate mcnab, council, dale cooper

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