Jun 14, 2010 22:11
She was holding onto sleep. The part of her that knew something was wrong, that this wasn't a place she was supposed to be, that there could be danger was screaming in the back of her mind, but she shoved it down and away to hold onto those last moments of sleep. Because somewhere in her awareness, she knew she was lying on a beach, her back on the sand and her face to the sun and for a moment, for just a brief moment, she could hear her brother breathing next to her. Smell the saltwater on his skin, and just let her awareness of him consume her for a few more moments before she opened her eyes back to the reality of day. Her fingers dragged through sand, feeling the grains slip and slide across her skin as she tried to physically hold to the sensation to herself... and failed as she felt the hard plastic of her cell phone.
Cell phones hadn't been invented the last time she'd lain on the sand with Kimano.
Reluctantly, Trixa opened her eyes, blinking in the bright sun while she tucked the memory away. Did it hurt less? Maybe, maybe not. It was a constant, something she imagined she'd carry for the rest of her long existence, although she hoped with time she'd feel the joy more often than the pain. Absently reaching up to touch the garnet sun hanging from her neck, she reminded herself of Leo's words, "Now is the time for sun." And it sure as hell was sunny wherever she was.
But speaking of Leo... where was everyone? Eyes adjusting, she looked around. Sand, water, palm trees... funny, she didn't remember any three-hour-tours being planned this week, but damn if this didn't seem to be a desert island. There were no people in sight. No sense that Leo was around, no hearing a joking Griffin or Zeke. She ran her fingers through unruly dark curls, shaking out the sand and tried to search her memory. She'd been at the bar, same as every night this week. The usual suspects were there, Leo was in the back, nothing was out of the ordinary. Nothing was out of place except for the fact that she couldn't remember how she got to the tropics.
Trixa stood slowly, although she felt physically fine, and gently stretched her arms over her head, feeling the newly healed skin on her back stretch. As she bent back down, she reached a little for the cell phone, not expecting a signal, and not being surprised when there wasn't one. In case someone was watching, she straightened slowly, running her hands up the sides of her boots, pressing so she could feel the knives still tucked safely away, glad that whoever brought her here either hadn't searched her... or didn't care.
She kinda hoped it was the former, the latter made her nervous. No demon could pull off something like this, not without her knowing about it, so that meant "other", and Light knows, she's left more than a few pissed off powerhouses in her wake. Was this her fate? Stuck human and at the mercy of everyone she's tricked over the years?
"Please, don't make me laugh." She chuckled to herself.
Somewhat amused, she looked at the sea for a moment then looked at the forest to her back. With a slight shrug of her shoulder she made a decision, turned right and started walking. If someone thought they could kidnap her and get away with it... they had another think coming. Human, demon, angel, didn't matter. Someone was paying for this one. Trixa wasn't your average castaway.
[Around mid-afternoon. Trixa's fairly far south of the Quidditch pitch, heading toward it if you care to run into her. ST/LT welcome always.]
aaron hotchner,
trixa iktomi,
zeke hawkins,
dr. hawkeye pierce,
sam winchester