It was a nice day.
For the most part it was always a nice day here. Of course, it still rained but unlike the rain back home that seemed to drag its feet both coming and going this rain fell quick and warm. That was nice too. It reminded Annie just enough of home to keep her from being too homesick, but was different enough to still be exciting
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"Yeah, I suppose so. More like early summer cleaning with less mopping but it is almost exactly that."
Not quite true. Sarah kept track of the time. She kept track, as best she could, of everything.
Annie liked to take a look at the calendar, to know how much time had passed and to be able to look forward to things. When she had been dead, time hadn't been an issue. She hadn't aged, hadn't had much to look forward so it had been a bit of a waste to think about that.
"I sort of like it. I think, I haven't been here that all actually."
She had a decent idea of the population here, though it was hard to keep up with the constant changes sometimes, so that this one was new was unsurprising. She didn't seem like a threat, but then, Sarah hoped, neither did she. Stepping forward, she smiled and offered her hand. "Sarah Walker. Welcome to the neighborhood, I guess."
"Annie Sawyer and thank you. Everyone's..." A good half-dozen descriptors flit through her head before she found one that fit in the best way. "Nice."
"I've never been to Los Angeles. Are there really film stars everywhere and is everyone really as thin as they are in the movies?" It might be a silly question but she had to know if Hello! had been lying to her for years.
"I used to work in a pub. Guess not everyone is something wild and glamourous before they came here, eh?"
She longed for her own days of adventure, her nights attending parties where she was only present to sneak into some safe, having to crack codes and pick locks and connive and charm her way through everything. She'd lived by the skin of her teeth and that seemed entirely like someone else now.
Then there was a whole lot of other things that went with that which she wished she could still have.
Going to the afterlife and running away from it or fighting hoards of vampires was a pretty sizable adventure but she had never left the confines of Bristol. When compared to big wide, globe trotting previous jobs that others held, that seemed rather dim.
"Not that I hope for that sort of thing, but no one really does, do they?"
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