It always comes back to this. To a woman. Always about a girl. It doesn’t matter, he could justify himself six ways to Sunday, and it would always come back to a girl. Everything he’s ever done, everything he is, could all be traced back to one of those bloody women. They’ll be the death of him, one of these days. Had been the death of him, more
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And then all he could do was stare, completely and utterly horrified.
Hadn't Deadboy been bad enough? Really? REALLY?!
There was a startling lack of smoke and searing pain, however, which had to be a plus. He sprang up, rolling up onto his knees and looking for all the world like he hadn't just eaten a mouthful of sand. Then he noticed the git who'd been so carelessly in his path, and that was when things officially got weird.
And despite everything...seeing him there brought a familiar pang to Xander's heart. And it hurt dammit!
When he finally was able to reply, his voice came out in low, raspy growl, "You asshole! You shouldn't be here. You CAN'T be here!" Well, it wasn't exactly the most sane thing in the word to say but then, Xander never had been one to think before he spoke in the best of occasions.
"I happened to be in the middle of something, I'll have you know."
Then he grinned a purely sarcastic grin. "Sorry bleach for brains. Whatever you're in the middle of is going to have to wait. Your stuck on a tropical island now. As a human."
But whatever confusion Harris' attitude might have brought on was quickly overshadowed by the realization that he was, in fact, breathing and apparently had what felt suspiciously like a pulse.
"Huh," he said, looking down at himself with a frown.
"Yeah. Huh. Got a pulse and everything. So don't go eating people, they kinda frown on that kinda thing here." He retorted cruelly, taking out his anger the only way he could. "So, you from the end of Sunnydale again or what?"
"What's got your knickers all in a twist? And what do you mean again?" Contrary to popular opinion, Spike wasn't stupid. It had occurred to him that this wasn't the Xander he'd last seen. If it weren't for the half a dozen other clues, the two perfectly healthy and intact eyes gave it all away.
This was personal.
He was on his own feet, feeling a strange and dizzying pitch in his guts, the weight of his limbs, his strength, everything unfamiliar and equal parts frustrating and terrifying. But all that was something he'd have to deal with later, hopefully with a fresh bottle of bourbon.
It took work, real work to think past the litany that started in his head the moment Harris mentioned her name -- Buffy, Buffy, Buffy. Have to find Buffy -- but he was reaching out and clamping a hand around the boy's wrist, yanking him 'round so they were eye to eye. Or at least trying to. It wasn't as easy now that they were more evenly matched ( ... )
"Now if you'll excuse me," Xander tugged on his wrist. "I know you'd rather be off looking for Buffy then worrying about me so just go. She's probably up at the compound." He waved in the general direction with his free hand that held the half sculpted elephant. A toy for Spike's son. Fuck...maybe Helen would let him have the bottle back...
He hovered for a moment longer, staring the boy down, then he snorted out a bitter laugh and took a step back. "Right, I'll be on my way then."
Xander didn't respond to Spike leaving, not wanting to give him an excuse to stay. And he really wished the thought of Spike going to Buffy didn't hurt. He couldn't help falling to sit in the sand with his head in his hands. This was going to suck...
He wondered if maybe Spike would be merciful and just kill him when he found out why Xander was acting weird. Because that was going to suck even more when he found out.
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