
Apr 07, 2010 13:17

With a bit of time to spare before he was due for his shift in the clinic, Coop decided to make a stop in the rec room to visit the evil bookshelf. Sitting and waiting for an interesting case to fall into his lap got old pretty fast, so books kept him busy while he waited. It was that, or spend the majority of the shift twiddling his thumbs with ( Read more... )

daisy adair, sadie harris, dr. fitch cooper, mathias, danica talos

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vvdanicavv April 8 2010, 00:03:46 UTC
Danica didn't know what had got Coop's tail wagging today, and she was sure she didn't want to. Usually, she'd stop just to wipe the smile off his face but she was in a lazy mood and wasn't riled enough to make any effort to bust his balls. It wasn't like he was going anywhere.

It didn't look like she was either. What the fuck was he doing? Grabbing her boob wasn't enough, now he had to go for all of her? Mentally-fucking-retarded didn't even begin to cover it. She stood still, though not rigid, and rolled her eyes heavenward, sucking in a breath so she could yell "RAPE!"


sexualtourettes April 8 2010, 01:45:02 UTC
Coop practically lept back a foot or two, hands up like a perp, eyes like saucers as he scanned the room nervously. "HUG!" He shouted back at her, glowering at her after the panic shifted into anger. "That was a hug! Though I can understand how you wouldn't know what one of those was." Danica wasn't exactly the soft and cuddly type, so she probably hadn't been on the receiving end of one of them in a while.


vvdanicavv April 8 2010, 21:17:27 UTC
"Put the claws away before you hurt yourself," Danica drawled patronisingly, pulling her hands to her slim hips. She narrowed her eyes when she spotted the magazine but said nothing of it. Cotton balls weren't worth her breath.


sexualtourettes April 20 2010, 07:58:07 UTC
"Well what sort of reaction were you expecting after blurting something like that in public?" Coop asked, trying to keep his voice as low as possible. Just because he knew it wasn't true didn't mean some random passerby would.

The twenty-third best best doctor in Manhattan was not a rapist.


vvdanicavv April 21 2010, 03:48:09 UTC
"Maybe a little chest exploration," Danica shrugged, because nothing said rapist more than fondling breasts in public. And if it sounded like she was encouraging it, she wasn't. It just wasn't her fault if inappropriate sexual behavior would have been excellent evidence for her claim right then.

"What's that you have?" She wandered innocently closer, shifting the attention to the magazine. "Medical pornography?" He probably for his rocks off studying all those diagrams of human bodies.


sexualtourettes April 24 2010, 03:07:28 UTC
"Nothing you'd be interested in," he assured her, rolling the magazine in on itself. He was all for sharing his good news, but he though he would have been better off without having Danica somehow put a negative spin on his happiness.


vvdanicavv April 24 2010, 03:17:09 UTC
Danica's mouth instantly slipped into the Coop patented pout. In all honesty, he was probably right but now her curiosity had been piqued, it was a shame to let it pass. "Put out, don't hold out."


sexualtourettes April 24 2010, 03:26:23 UTC
"Over my dead body," Coop mumbled, though he wasn't referring to the magazine at that point. Rolling his eyes, he reopened the magazine and turned it toward her. "I made the list of top twenty-five docs back home. See? Not porn."


vvdanicavv April 24 2010, 03:51:10 UTC
"What?" Danica dropped the pout, grabbing at the magazine to see for herself. Nothing much surprised her nowadays, so she was usually impressed when something did. Just not when she doubted its sincerity, it seemed.

"Twenty-three. All Saints," she read aloud, narrowing her eyes at the page. But the guy had fucking scarred her for life! "How the fuck is this possible?" she demanded, turning the magazine over to check the date. Slowly, she looked up at him, a deep frown between her eyes. "You're a good doctor?"


sexualtourettes April 26 2010, 00:56:04 UTC
"Yes." And as happy as he was to see his name on that list, Coop didn't think he was a horrible doctor before he saw it. "I was a good doctor yesterday, too, you know. This just means that all of New York and you now know it."


vvdanicavv April 26 2010, 02:01:19 UTC
Danica glanced around the room before grabbing Coop's arm in a fierce grip and tugging him behind the bookcase. "So you're telling me this," she hissed, unbuttoning her top hastily and pushing the material off her shoulder, letting it drop to reveal the two-and-a-half inch scar on her upper forearm, "was fucking unavoidable?" The disbelief was evident in her voice. Three claws gouged her there but only one mark had stuck around and up til now, she'd refused to believe that was lucky.

That was part of the reason she hadn't willingly showed it to anyone except him since it had happened. "Look me in the fucking eye and tell me that couldn't be helped," she demanded, part of her wanting to hear it because she knew she needed to.


sexualtourettes April 26 2010, 03:25:26 UTC
"Not only couldn't it have been helped, but it could have been a lot worse," Coop replied, readjusting his sleeve after Danica had practically pulled his arm out of its socket.

"Luckily for you I'm sort of incredible at suturing. Seriously, I'm talking better than average." The people at New York Magazine probably found that one out. It might have even bumped him for twenty-four to twenty-three.


vvdanicavv April 28 2010, 01:26:37 UTC
Danica kept her gaze locked on Coop for a long time, as if weighing up her options. The only reason she eventually let it go and shrugged her top back on was because his speech had narrowly missed being an I told you so.

"So you're good with knitting needles," she deadpanned. "Why does that not surprise me."


sexualtourettes April 28 2010, 01:32:16 UTC
"Because your insides are still on the inside?" Coop ventured, biting down on his bottom lip after he'd said it. Getting mouthy with Danica was never really all that smart, but she did sort of ask for that one.


vvdanicavv April 30 2010, 23:44:31 UTC
"Careful," Danica warned, doing a good job of hiding the fact she might have been the tiniest bit impressed. "You might strain yourself with all that spine you're showing." One vertebra's worth, anyway.


sexualtourettes May 1 2010, 00:40:35 UTC
"Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine," Coop said, and his chest might have puffed out just a bit as he did, standing just a little bit straighter.


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