If you asked Ainsley if she expected this to be the general way her life went, she wouldn't have thought that she would up here in a clinic in the woods of a strange Island with a baby resting nearby, Josh still feeling freshly disappeared, and feeling weaker than she ever had before. She knew that the old adage ought to be true. Whatever didn't
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She held the covered cobbler pan in one hand and gently knocked on the doorframe so she wouldn't interrupt the cute little family tableau currently occurring, but still would let Ainsley know someone was here.
"Darn, I wish I would have known you wanted to prison-break. I would have baked a file into this," she replied, lifting the cobbler a little in illustration.
"Although, what kind? Manila, maybe? It's sort of like vanilla, but not."
"It's blueberry cobbler, from the first of the blueberries this year, so some of them might be more tart than others. I didn't have enough hands for whipped cream or ice cream or anything, but I did bring spoons."
She whipped the spoons out of a pocket with a flourish, because that was the rules.
"It doesn't make you terrible, just hungry and in need of something other than staring at the tiny little Winston Churchill being there. And yes, I will take Josiah so you can have some cobbler."
She'd held the girls plenty of times when they were itty bitty things and although it still hadn't made her biological clock go off, she did kinda enjoy holding babies.
"Well, you did, and he did, and everything's good now," she replied firmly. She hadn't known that it was that bad, but she was glad it had been okay in the end. Who else was gonna eat such massive quantities of cobbler?
"He definitely exists. No illusory babies here!"
"Oh, I bet he won't be tiny for long, but right now he's pretty cute in his minisculeness."
"That's evolution for you. If we didn't form attachments to our young, the species would never survive," she pointed out. "Not that it isn't adorable and true, of course."
She glanced down at Josiah, who was possibly looking at her with interest and possibly staring at the ceiling. Babies weren't so good at focusing at this age.
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