Sam had spent the morning working. It had been a good, fairly productive morning, and she thought that she might actually be getting somewhere instead of the futile banging her head against a wall that she'd been doing for some time now. It felt good to be working with numbers and equations and theories after a year of forced absence from anything
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"I have some physics books at home. I always keep them when I find something useful, but you can borrow whatever you'd like," she offered.
"She's developing as expected." Privately, River thought her baby was exceeding expectations, but she didn't want to put any undue pressure on her. "She got a name since you met her last." River gave a soft laugh, because she knew it had taken her little family a bit longer than most people to settle on what to call their baby. "Zoe. After a friend from home, who isn't here anymore."
She shrugged with one shoulder, and immediately regretted it when baby Zoe's nearly closed eyes snapped back open. She didn't fuss, though, just made a quiet sleepy sound and settled herself, and River sighed with relief.
"I'd like her to know who she's named for, even if they never get to meet," she explained. "We'll just have to tell her all about her. Having people around is better, but stories are good, too."
"Hey, do you need anything?" she said, nodding toward the sleeping (hopefully really sleeping) Zoe. "I know you've got your hands kind of full."
"I'm just glad there's coffee," Sam said in response to River's comments about tea. "If I don't get my coffee in the morning, things get... ugly." She said the last bit sheepishly; she was an addict and oh boy did she know it.
She nodded in response to the gratitude for coffee, having seen the effects of people living without it. "We didn't have coffee here for a long time. There might be a holiday commemorating the day it was found."
Sam had gotten kind of jaded since leaving Atlantis. Sometimes she really missed that excitement and wonder she used to feel about everything.
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