It was much easier to organise the second time round. Even if Evey seemed less than excited about the party aspect, last year's Bonfire Night had been enough of a success to do it all again. Which was good because somehow it wasn't the 5th November without fireworks and they were something you never grew out of
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He thought about Harry's question a bit before answering. Oddly enough he didn't miss being on Red Dwarf. At least not the Red Dwarf he'd been on before finding himself here.
"Not really, no," Arnold admitted. "My life there had been rather depressing actually. The only people left on board other than myself were the world's slobbiest man, a supremely self-centered cat, and the ship's senile AI computer." He grimaced. "And to top it all off I was dead and existing as a hologram. Not the most pleasant of circumstances!"
"If there were just a few of you then I'm not surprised you didn't enjoy the experience. I think being stuck with a small group of people for any length of time would end up with you all driving each other mad."
He frowned when Arnold said he was dead. He'd heard of people coming back to life when they arrived here, but hadn't yet come across anyone that had happened to. Or if it had they hadn't said. "What's a hologram?" He'd heard the term, but never applied to a person like that.
"I'm also the doorman at the Jazz club. I'm on the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday shift." He had some ideas on how to improve procedures there too, but he hadn't mentioned them to Helen yet as they were still in the planning stages.
"Poor Helen. She's taking her partner's disappearance rather hard. I don't know when she's likely to re-open the club again." A strange thought then occurred to Arnold. "You don't suppose she and Warrick were more than just business partners do you?"
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