It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone to find that Jack had fallen for a girl. It wouldn't be a surprise to find he'd fallen for anyone, if a person knew him well enough. Blondes were a weak spot, but so were brunettes and gingers. Tall, short, curvy, thin, male, female, and that was excluding the majority of the beings in the galaxy...
The particular girl in question might have been a little shocking, though. Like most beings, Jack thought she was gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful in a way none other could possibly be. She was white and fluffy and tiny. Weighing in at just a little over 3 pounds, she was certainly the smallest he'd ever fallen for. Two silky ears, a wet black nose, four legs...actually, none of that could be ruled out when a person considered all Jack had seen and done...but this was the island and it limited a lot of things. Banon's daughter was definitely worth falling for. Jack tried to get to see the pups as often as he could once Ianto had extended the invitation and made it clear that one of the pups would be going home with Jack. Of the three, she looked the most like Simon Chicago. Banon's coloring had skipped over this one.
He'd taken her, just for a little while, out of the whelping box where her mother stayed with the other two. He wasn't going to keep her away long- just enough to let her explore and get used to him. She was still so young and so small that taking her home was unthinkable, but a little socializing never hurt anyone, he thought. And he could definitely use some socializing with something small and soft and sweet after the hell of the past few days. Going home had been a shock that had turned into a debacle that just got worse upon waking. was definitely a good day for a puppy and the big outside world.
[Jack and the puppy are in the grassy field, not far from Ianto's hut and the boarding house. Timed for Thursday morning. ST/LT welcome as I will be slow myself!]