The rec center may have looked like someone's colorblind grandma decorated it in the seventies, but as far as Karen was concerned, the space was all that counted. That, and nobody actually lived there, which meant they wouldn't be disturbing anybody if they stayed up well into the early morning hours. Well, at least Karen knew she and Chuck and
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So it was with a fair bit of wariness that Matt went to the rec center, checking out the equipment setup and trying not to jump in and start rearranging cables or anything. He had to play nice with others if he wanted to use the equipment in the future, after all.
He'd had that look on his own face more times than he could count.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask, after watching him a few moments. I know my way around computer equipment just because I needed to know things to keep myself running, but just about anything else is pretty foreign to me.
"I guess people just sort of shoved it all back there," I observe. It was hard to tell what went to what. "At least they're all out of the way?"
She could see his point, but given the age of the TV, the fact that they got the cords hooked up at all was actually kind of a miracle.
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