(no subject)

Jun 07, 2009 16:33

She had not been very active around the island. She had created many plans of what to do with her time there, of which plans, none came into fruition. She had wanted, once, to create a support group for those who found out that they were from books or films, but once the shock had passed over her own discovery, her plan seemed to fade into the background. She found that she was always quite content with making new friends and making round trips about the island each day, but today, she did not wish to resign herself to the same fate.

She had gone on a search through her hut, looking for the journal she had long ago stored so that she would not be reminded of the time she was just a silly young girl. She found it under her bed, along with the frock she had brought along with her from home. She wished to write a story, a three book novella of sorts, but not the kind which were written at home. This time, the good would finish badly, and the bad would finish well. It would be a concept which reflected much of reality directly, and would not create a false sense of security for all who read. Plus, it was far more interesting for the story to end the opposite of how one would expect it to.

She found a spot on the beach where she was able to lay out, dressed in a two-piece bathing suit which the box had kindly provided for her just a couple days before. She leafed through her journal, glancing over the pages which she had written from home. She found the page which Algy had proposed to her and she could not help but laugh. She discovered the day she had written in it, the week after the journal had followed her onto the island. It spoke of Jim, and she could not help but smile. Perhaps she would somehow use to the two men in her story.

She began to write on a blank page, scratching down some ideas, and she giggled with anticipation. It was not long into writing, however, when Cecily discovered she really had no idea what she wished to convey. "Oh, darn!" She exclaimed, tossing her pen down.

briony tallis, serena van der woodsen, cecily cardew, jim stark, zell dincht

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