May 31, 2009 14:48
The boys were finally sleeping through the night--at least Heath was almost every night, and Will most of the time, though if one of them were to wake it would usually be Will. But they rarely both woke in the same night, which meant that Robbie had been able to get more sleep and feel somewhat less like a zombie and more like a human being. He had been helped along by Ronon, Laura, and Dr Keller, who (when Robbie had been less reluctant to let his sons out of his sight for fear that they would disappear as well) had looked after the boys quite regularly so that Robbie could clean the house, do the washing, and shower. He had never been keen on housekeeping before, as he and Cecilia had lived in something close to squalor for months and not been bothered by it, but it seemed very important to Robbie now that the house be as tidy as possible for the boys.
It was on one of his daily trips to the compound that he had discovered the books on the shelf; a set of nearly two dozen volumes authored by Briony Tallis. He had meant to ignore them, for the business of Briony's future had no interest for him, yet he could not help but take one and study the cover. Atonement, it was called. There was a photograph of Briony on the back cover, an older Briony that Robbie did not know yet could recognize immediately.
He had pocketed the book for reasons beyond his comprehension, collected his sons, and returned home, forgetting about it until after the boys were in bed for the night. Robbie took the book and a packet of cigarettes out onto the porch and began to read by the light of a candle. Somehow he was not surprised to find the book was biographical in nature--after all, he was on an island where he had once met characters of Austen's creation and his sons had been delivered by a man from the pages of Hugo--but to find that the book was of Briony's creation both confused and angered him.
He read until daybreak and fell asleep on the porch, where Laura Cadman found him when she dropped by as she usually did. She manhandled him into the house and informed him she was taking the boys for a while; Robbie was too tired to argue, and collapsed into bed as Laura gathered their gear and took the boys with her.
After some sleep, he felt restless and irritable, and did not want to fetch the boys until he had got himself together, as they seemed to be easily influenced by his poor moods. So he turned his attention to the pile of building materials he had not looked at since Cecilia's disappearance. Some work with his hands would be the thing to take his mind from what Briony had written.
[ooc: Robbie is working on fixing up his house, which is just a few minutes from the compound. Despite being grumpy, it's a decent time to meet him.]
robbie turner,
ronon dex