(no subject)

May 28, 2009 11:49

Jaye felt like she hadn't eaten in DAYS. Well, she'd EATEN, but not a lot. Not ENOUGH apparently. Had to be a side-effect of holing herself away in her trailer for nearly the entire month, only coming out under cover of darkness to forage for food in the deep recesses of the fridge. She didn't want to SEE anyone, especially not anyone she'd actually TALKED to during those horrific few days. And she SURE AS FUCK didn't want to COOK anything. She'd thought, maybe, that she could man up enough to go to the Compound on Saturdays and devour anything Chuck put in front of her. But just the THOUGHT of Chuck being her usual smiling, sweet, Betty Crocker self turned Jaye's stomach. It was like she'd BEEN Chuck, only with less intelligence and not fucking some guy who looked like her brother.

...Shit, there went her appetite again.

She'd tried laying in bed and just telling her stomach to shut up, but after twenty minutes that got old. Why was starving herself so much easier as a teenager? Oh, well. She had to face the music sometime. Maybe. Maybe just some really quiet music. That wasn't named BUCK or LLOYD. Or, fuck, Polly.

By the time she'd hiked all the way to the Compound, her appetite was back, and with a vengeance. Funny how glancing side to side like a stalked animal in an effort to avoid unwanted conversations used energy. With any luck, someone would pull a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood like they always did around here and just FEED her with a smile and no questions.

Briony had busied herself with cleaning up after the lunch time rush, pots and pans put away with a shine. A concerted effort had been made on her part to keep busy in the last few weeks. Idleness, she feared, would invite too much reflection. Nothing irreversibly damaging had occurred while she had been out of sorts, for which she was thankful. Embarrassing and shameful, yes, but for whatever reason Fate had smiled upon her and kept her safe from the worst of herself. Lucky also had been her schedule in the past few weeks. Between the twins, the kitchen, the magazine and the numerous apologies she felt compelled to make, she had hardly had a moment to herself.

Having just finished putting away the perishables, Briony turned to find a young woman, looking worse for wear, standing at the open door of the kitchen. "Oh, hello," she said with a friendly smile.

...Did the woman just flinch at her greeting?

"Yeah, hi," Jaye replied dismissively. Anything with a skirt and a smile in the kitchen hit a little too close to home for her, even now. "Food?"

"There's plenty left over in the ice box," Briony assured her. When the other woman did not move (partially because Jaye was trying to figure out what the HELL she meant by 'ICE BOX'), Briony hesitantly stepped forward. "How about I fix you a plate?"

"Yeah," Jaye replied shortly, giving the fridge a look before she sat down in the farthest corner table in the room.

Thinking the woman too slim as she was, Briony heaped large helpings onto the plate. She was rewarded with a muttered thank you, which perhaps she was quite lucky to receive. Leaving the girl's side as she began to shovel food into her mouth, Briony sat down at her own table to give the first issue of the Tabula Plenus her final read through.

[Tag one or the other. Tag... both if you're feeling lucky. ST/LT always welcome.]

lloyd henreid, thomasina coverly, david kenyon webster, davos seaworth, joe liebgott, jaye tyler, briony tallis, buck compton, polly o'keefe, veronica mars, the doctor, ned

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