Heart, hand, and soul

May 18, 2009 09:12

You know there's a reason for the nightmares.

Donna turned, every movement controlled and with the most amount of force, swinging the staff, thrusting it at an invisible enemy. Black hair swung in the light that was burning off the morning fog, muscles that were long used to lifting semi-truck trailers rippling with the force of just going through the steps she'd done virtually every day since she was eight.

You know there's a reason for them. Because you died and came back as some sort of... something, and you were meant for more, and that never happened.

Feet sure on the sand, if she ignored the obvious differences - this place was hotter then Themyscria, and it lacked the true sense of being that had grounded the island of the Amazons. Still, the brilliant blue ocean washed clean her footprints from where she'd come, and all signs made it look like she'd appeared from thin air; planted in this place, her movements so sure it was as if she was home.

She was trying to banish the dreams. She dreamt nightly of battle. The battle made her blood hot, that made her yearn for the adrenaline, for the solidity of staff hitting flesh, of standing sure in victory. For all that Donna Troy was human now, she was still an Amazon - she would always be an Amazon. The loss of her powers did nothing to change her mind or who she was. There was no battle here. Some trained for the fight, some trained out of fear. She moved because she had too, because if she didn't then she felt like a piece of her heart was missing. The swing of the staff, the solidity of it in her hands was a blessing.

She swung, she leapt; to face danger, instead of to flee it. She landed, thrusting forward, and then- Then, when she would have relied on the power of flight to give her lift - needing that slight freedom from the pull of gravity that had been with her for more then half her life as easy as breathing and without thought, her powers failed. Again.

She fell, landing hard in the sand.

"Damn it!"

OOC: ST/LT always okay! Good time to meet her. She needs to meet more people. :D

donna troy, karolina dean, dinah lance, zack fair, jo grant

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